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Page 12
With all of the things that happened over the last few weeks, she'd almost forgotten Jake wanted to give the car to one of the local boys as a birthday gift. It wasn't much, but it was okay for a first car. At least it would be as soon as Jake and his deputies finished repairing it. It was a better fate for her old friend than a junkyard or the bottom of a deep lake. They’d already removed the vinyl top and welded the rusty areas, making it watertight again.
Harper was turning into a well-adjusted child, and Eden was happier than she had ever been. She smiled, thinking how far she and Harper had come since returning to Haven. Climbing the stairs, she put the box of old clothing in a spare bedroom closet.
The old t-shirts and blouses were threadbare and something she knew Jake would take issue with if she tried to wear them, but she wasn't ready to get rid of them just yet. She’d had them for so long, they almost felt like old friends.
When they made love for the first time since her return, Jake marked her again. He mated her that day, and she didn’t regret it.
Eden had known he would, and even though she’d planned to leave again, nothing could have stopped her from consenting to it, especially some ten-year-old fear of the unknown.
If she discovered one thing in the ten years they’d been apart, it was that she loved Jake more than life itself.
Even if mating with Jake meant she would be like him, it wouldn’t have stopped her. She loved him and everything about him.
Unfortunately for Jake, since she was human, his lifespan would now be measured in decades instead of centuries.
It would have been great if she could have been turned into a shifter, too. If she had, she would never have had to worry about Edward again.
At least her daughter would be able to shift one day, and Eden was glad she Harper have the added protection against someone like Edward.
However, much to Harper’s utter disappointment, her father informed her she wouldn’t be able to shift until sometime around her fourteenth birthday. Jake promised he would take her on a nighttime run in the woods then. With luck, Eden would have another child to keep her busy while father and daughter were out running free.
It had been three weeks since Edward’s men took their message back to their employer, and Jake relaxed the guard a little. Instead of twenty men watching the house round the clock, there were only ten, and most of them were in the barn.
Jake finally brought his horses in from the three-hundred acres behind his home, and four of the mares were pregnant.
The men tended to gravitate to the barn to keep watch, in case one should go into labor. They feared a breech birth and wanted to be close to help the mares should the need arise.
The doorbell rang, and Eden headed for the stairs. No matter how many times she told the men they didn’t have to knock, they insisted on knocking or ringing the bell.
“I'll get it,” Eden called out to anyone who listened and skipped down the stairs. She threw the door open, expecting to see one of Jake's deputies coming to tell her one of the mares had gone into labor.
Eden hadn’t anticipated seeing Edward with two of his henchmen standing on the porch blocking the afternoon sun. She never thought he would have the guts to show up at a police officer's home, let alone the sheriff’s.
“What—what are you doing here?” She stepped back a pace, her hand moving defensively to her throat.
Eden realized her mistake when Edward stepped through the doorway. Had she been smart, and she rarely was when it came to dealing with her ex-husband, she would have slammed the door in his face and twisted the lock into place.
“I could ask you the same question, wifey.”
Eden stepped back again. She couldn't help it. She hated that term, and he knew it. He only used it when he planned to punish her for some imagined infraction. Edward loved to punish people. She found that out two months after Harper was born.
Keep him talking, keep him talking. It was only a matter of time before Jake wondered what kept her from going back upstairs.
If he was paying attention, he might be able to hear her thoughts. He sometimes picked up on stuff, though he tried to give her privacy. The whole reading minds thing had been a surprise to them both.
According to Jake’s Aunt Norma, not all mated pairs could do it. It was a true mate thing.
Eden stepped back again. She merely needed to stay free of Edward's clutches until her new husband-to-be either heard her frantic thoughts or came to investigate. Jake!
“You ceased being my husband years ago, Edward.”
He was never a husband in the true sense of the word. There wasn't a loving bone in the man's body unless he was talking about his business or his bank accounts.
It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Eden’s memory of Jake had always been there, driving a wedge between them, which they could never have overcome. A wedge she never wanted to overcome. She had never been able to stop loving Jake, and Edward had hated her for it.
“I've never seen or signed any divorce papers.” He sneered. “That makes any divorce you've gotten null and void.” He looked around her and up the stairs. “Where is my daughter? It's time she went to the boarding schools I’ve picked out.”
“The whorehouses you mean.” Eden moved to block the stairway, barely aware that she had placed her body between Edward and the stairs.
“Where is my daughter?” Edward snarled.
“You mean my daughter, don't you?”
Eden sagged with relief at the sound of Jake's voice as he descended the stairs behind her. He would never let Edward take their baby.
“That's not what her birth certificate says.” Edward bristled.
His body language told her he was itching for a fight. She might not have stayed with the man long, but she'd hung around long enough to recognize a temper tantrum brewing. Edward was an only child, and his parents brought him up to be a huge brat.
Jake grinned, his expression saying, just try to take her, louder than words ever could. He made it more than obvious that Edward and his lackeys didn't intimidate him a bit.
“Perhaps her birth certificate says otherwise for now, but the paternity test tells another story.” He raised a beautiful glossy brow. “Would you like to see the results?”
Edward's face mottled with rage. “You have no right to order such a procedure. How dare you presume to subject my daughter to a paternity test?”
Jake, obviously through with playing, drew himself up to his full height, a good four inches taller Edward and all of his lackeys. “How dare you try to lay claim to my daughter?” Jake gestured to the second floor. “That little girl is my child. She’s my flesh and blood, not yours. The paternity test was conclusive. You see, we knew we needed it to keep your filthy hands off her. She is my child. She and her mother shall remain here in Haven with me. Under my protection and God help you if you attempt to harm either one of them because no one else will.”
“How dare you threaten me? Just who do you think you are?” Edward, sure of the protection of his guards, threw a right hook at Jake.
Jake barely moved. He merely reached up and caught the blow by grabbing the other man's fist.
The two men stood staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity, but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds.
Jake kept hold of Edward's fist and growled low in his throat. “Who I know I am is Eden’s mate and Harper’s father. I also happen to be the sheriff of Haven and Alpha of the Haven Clan. But mostly…” he paused and bent closer. “I am your fucking worst nightmare.” He glanced over at Eden, then up the stairs to where Harper stood, her eyes wide, her fingers gripping the railing so hard her knuckles had turned white.
Eden wanted to send her to her room, but she needed to see this, to know her biological father would protect her, and how he would protect her. It was time she learned everything about who and what she was.
Jake gave her a sad smile, obviously afraid he was about to alienate his daughter, then tur
ned back to face Edward as both his voice and shape changed.
“These two females are lost to you. Either come to realize that or die.”
Eden watched with fascination as Jake shifted into his wolf. Her brain barely registered her daughter's stunned exclamation.
“That is so cool! Am I going to be able to do that?”
Now that she wasn't scared half out of her mind, Eden could appreciate the rare beauty of the huge brown and white wolf that was her mate’s other half.
Jake continued to glare at the three men who looked on with disbelief. He bared his large teeth with a growl and crouched low, ready to pounce.
Two men entered the foyer behind Edward and his cronies, with their guns drawn and pointed at the men who didn't belong in the house.
“I think it's time you left, mister,” the taller of the two, Darren Murphy, said as he moved further into the house and away from the door. He stared at them with the deadly gaze of a predator, his steel-gray eyes narrowed.
Edward pointed at Jake. “What the Hell is that thing? It was a man just a minute ago. Now it's a wolf. Kill it!”
“I hope you're picking this up and recording it, dispatch. This guy is as loony as a toon,” the deputy spoke into his mic.
They needed the recording for legal purposes, even though every one of Jake’s men knew what Edward described was real, the human authorities would assume he needed medical care.
“Murphy’s right. This guy could be a danger to himself or others. You might want to send an ambulance out to pick him up and take him to the county hospital,” the second deputy, Tyler Hanson, added. He glanced at Eden and winked, laughter in his dark blue eyes.
Edward blanched at the implication. “You'll keep them here either way, won't you?” He waved his arm toward the wolf.
Jake had moved closer to Eden, who remained between Edward and the stairs, and he leaned against her thigh.
“That…that thing will keep her and my daughter with him, regardless of what the law says.”
Jake shifted back to his human form, fully clothed. He strode to the hall table, pulled a packet of papers from the drawer, and tossed them to Edward, who caught them instinctively.
“Edward James Horton, you have been served with a copy of your divorce papers, which you claim to have never received and a custody suit.” Jake's mouth lifted in a grin that didn't reach his eyes. “You can either sign the papers here and now, releasing any claim to Eden, and my daughter or I can drag you through court and give you a legal battle the likes of which you have never seen.”
A lawsuit was something where Edward thought he could get the upper hand. He drew himself up with a smile that reminded Eden of a shark.
“I will keep you in court until your limited funds run out, you backwoods bumpkin.”
“No, Horton, you won't.” Crossing his arms, Jake shook his head with a laugh. “Don't let the modest size of my home fool you. If you continue this useless prattle, I will ruin you. You have no idea who, or what I might add, you are dealing with. I am Jacob Jarrod Farnsworth-Blackstone, heir to Night Forest International.”
Edward staggered back and shook his head. “No…no. Jake Farnsworth is sixty-two years old. You're…”
Jake chuckled. “Looking great for my age, thank you.” He stepped forward, stalking Edward as he stepped back. “If you leave now and drop your claim on my family, I will let you keep your piddly fortune so long as you stop trading in human flesh.”
Eden knew Jake could smell a lie. If Edward wasn't sincere, he was a dead man. She only hoped her mate didn't kill Edward in front of their daughter. Her little girl already had enough trauma in her life. She didn’t need to see a man die.
Jake grabbed Edward by the tie and half-lifted him off his feet. “Don't think to cross me, Horton. I will be watching you. Your next black market deal will be your last.”
“Yes…yes, sir.” Edward nodded awkwardly, swallowed visibly, and adjusted his tie when Jake released him. “I will sever all underworld ties immediately.”
“See that you do, or I will sever something a bit more critical.” Reaching out, Jake tapped the knot in Edward’s tie. The color drained from the other man’s face at the implication.
“Yes…” Edward’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. Yes, sir. I’ll find a way out as soon as I get home.”
“See that you do.” Jake gestured to his men. “Somebody show this sorry bastard the way out of town.”
He grabbed Sam’s arm on his way to the door. “Find out where he lives and notify the police department there about his questionable activities. We don’t have the evidence to jail him, but they might be able to find something.”
“He’s already been to jail for his crimes.” Eden hated to admit that. She just wanted Edward to stay away from them all.
“He’s served time for his past crimes, not his current activities. If he’s committed crimes since his release, his local police will arrest him again.”
He glanced at Sam. “See to it.”
“Yes, sir.”
Eden turned to Jake after everyone, but Harper had left. “Have I told you how much I love you?”
“You didn’t tell me that until now, but you show it every day.” Jake smiled and cupped her cheek, his thumb slowly sliding over her bottom lip. “I love you, too. I don’t think I’ve told you that, either.”
“You have, but not today.” She tilted her head and smiled. “I remember a night a long time ago when you swore you would love me until the day you died.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His eyes widened. “That must have been some other guy.” One side of his mouth curved up. Bending, he kissed her forehead.
“I’m going to my room if you guys are going to start kissing again.” Harper stomped off, leaving them alone.
“I suppose it could have been some other, gu— hey!” She laughed when he swatted her bottom.
“You make me happy, love. I will love you to the day I die and beyond into eternity. I’m so glad you came back and gave me another chance.” He smiled down at her, his eyes showing his emotions. “I feel like the luckiest person alive.”
“Me, too.” She smiled up at him, losing herself in his green gaze. “I can't thank you enough for giving Harper and me a safe home.”
Jake turned to her, his expression blank. “I can't thank you enough for giving me such a beautiful daughter.” He kissed her forehead again and held her close. “I have always wanted children. Until you returned, I had resigned myself to never having a child of my own. I would be happy if we had a dozen.”
“A dozen is a bit excessive, don’t you think?” Eden grinned. “But, I’m certain we’ll have a few more.”
Less than a month ago, Eden had planned to leave her daughter here to live her life with her birth father. By chasing Edward out of her life, Jake had just given her the means to do so. But Jake and Harper wouldn't be alone. None of them would ever be alone from now on. They had each other, the rest of their family, and the pack.
Not only had he taken them both in when they needed protection, Jake saw to it that Eden didn’t have to leave. They were a family now, and they would take care of each other. And more importantly, their daughter would never have to run again or grow up without both parents in her life.
Happiness and warmth stole through Eden as she rested her hands over her belly. Even though it had only been three weeks, Harper, the new pack seer, had told her she had two little brothers already on the way.
Eden smiled when she remembered the look of disappointment on her daughter’s face at not getting little sisters instead.
Smiling, she stared up at Jake, taking in his tall, dark good looks, the little scar in his eyebrow, and his full bottom lip.
Reaching up, she ran her fingers over the dark stubble on his cheeks. He hadn’t shaved in a few days. He’d grow a full beard soon if he weren’t careful.
How funny it was that the more things changed, the more they stayed the same.r />
Once again, Eden stood staring at the man she loved, whom she knew, without a doubt, loved her in return. Once again, she faced a new revelation and a choice. Eden’s smile grew wider, and she made up her mind.
She might be in similar circumstances as before, but this time, she was not a frightened child. She was a strong and independent woman who loved a good man, and he loved her in return.
Eden didn’t have to live with Jake. She wanted to live with Jake. She could take things one day at a time and one step at a time. Today was her first step and the first day of the rest of her life.
Giving her still flat belly a pat, she stepped into Jake's waiting arms, met his clear green gaze, and smiled. “Jake, I have something to tell you.”
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About the Author
If you’re reading this, I hope it means you’ve just enjoyed reading one of my books. Always a romantic, I started weaving little romantic fantasies for my friends at the tender age of fifteen.
After complaining to my husband that my favorite authors didn’t write fast enough, he asked a fateful question. “Why don’t you write one of your own while you’re waiting?”
Once I started, he couldn’t stop me. I write in the morning, most of the day, and I write at night when I should be relaxing. I’ve even been known to write in my sleep. Sometimes it even makes sense!
I grew up in Southwest Florida, where I met and married the love of my life and started my very own happily ever after.
My husband was in the Navy for twenty years, so if you wonder where I have gotten some of my ideas, I blame him. I suggest you do the same. He’s always saying he has wide shoulders. Let’s load them up, shall we?