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  "Ow. And here she said there was no harm in a kiss."

  Chapter Two

  Kirai chuckled and the sound made Topaz shiver with…some unidentifiable emotion. She brought her fingers to her lips to hold the slight tingle against them longer. What does it mean, this tingle?

  It means, my dear daughter, that this man is quite capable of becoming your mate. There are few you would be compatible with, but what are the odds that the one who found you first would be so lucky?

  You knew, didn't you? Topaz turned her gaze to the tall dragon in front of her. He offered her his hand, no doubt to pick her up off the floor.

  "Come, Topaz, let me help you to your feet."

  Topaz looked at his hand for a long moment. It appeared strong and tan. It also appeared gentle, if that was possible. She frowned at it, picked herself up off the floor and dusted her rear. What was it about this man that made her feel so strange inside? An odd feeling settled in the pit of her stomach when he touched and kissed her. Did that also mean he was her mate?

  It could mean that, Topaz. Only you can decide that. If I may make a suggestion, I would get to know him. He said there are no other sentient beings here. How does he manage to keep his sanity living alone as he does? Find out.

  Her mother backed out of her mind after her last gentle nudge and Topaz looked a Kirai for a long moment. "Can we," she paused to clear her throat. "Can we try that again, please?"

  The look of male satisfaction he gave her was almost enough to make her change her mind. What was it about males of any species that made them think they were the sexiest thing on whatever planet they inhabited, even if they had potbellies and warts?

  "I would be most honored to satisfy your need to experience a kiss, lady."

  She almost rolled her eyes at that remark. Of course he would be honored. He would also, most likely be aroused as well. She may be naïve, but… How did the humans put it? She hadn't just fallen off the turnip truck.

  Topaz gazed deep into his almond-shaped eyes as his face grew ever closer to hers. What was it about this man that made her want to allow him liberties with her person that no other male had ever had? She shivered with anticipation as his head grew closer and closer to hers. She watched as his intriguing mouth grew closer and wondered what he would taste like if she opened her mouth to him.

  "Wait a minute." She held up her hand. "Is this right? Should we be doing this when we don't even know each other?"

  "You know me," he said as he straightened and moved away. He put a small distance between them, probably to make her feel better.

  He leaned against the wall, his hands behind his back. He didn't look as vulnerable as she would have liked. The action pushed his chest out, drawing her attention to the size of his pectoral muscles and biceps the vest did little to cover. She narrowed her eyes, certain he did that on purpose.

  "You probably know me better than anyone else alive." He smiled. "You've taken my memories." He crossed his legs. "Did you know that usually only a mate can do such a thing to a male?"

  She bit her lip as she looked at him. As males go, he wasn't hard to look at. He was arrogant though she could most likely attribute that to his parentage. Topaz cupped her chin and tapped her lips. "I had no idea." She raised a brow. "Still, it is my choice, is it not?"

  She wasn't sure what his answer would be, but something told her she was right. She could refuse him and if she did, he would have to accept her refusal.

  "Yes, lady." He sighed and ran his fingers through his beautiful ebony hair. "It is your choice. It will always be your choice. I cannot force you to do something you do not wish to do."

  That was an interesting answer. What could a male force her to do? She remembered when they were younger and a tech tried something with her sister, June. June had been surprised at the tech's advances, but soon became angry and took that anger out on the technician, showing everyone in the facility why the dragon swans were the ones to extract the targets. There was nothing like a few broken bones to convince even the most stimulated of men to leave you alone. Since then, none of the techs bothered any of the sisters that way. Still, he had been a human male. Could a male dragon force her compliance? Topaz wasn't certain she wanted to find out.

  "Come," he said, holding out his arm. "Allow me to show you around."

  He didn't force her, he didn't even attempt to coerce her into going with him. He merely stood still, his arm held out and bent at the elbow.

  Topaz raised her hand and paused. Did he expect her to place her hand on top of his, on his arm? What was it he wanted from her?

  "Allow me, lady." Kirai reached out, took her hand and tucked it into the crook of his elbow. "Is that comfortable for you, lady?"

  Topaz could barely speak as a strange tingling raced up and down her arm. Her fingers burned where they rested against his skin and all of a sudden, she felt strange, decadent…wild. Something inside her burst and she knew she wanted to be with this man. At least for now.

  "Yes." She nodded even as she stared at her hand resting against his darker skin. "Yes. I'm comfortable with this. "Would you care to show me around now?" She couldn't help staring at his mouth. She still wanted to feel his lips against hers again, but she didn't want to seem…what was the word? Wanton. Instead of acting out the fantasy in her head, she smiled and let him lead her around his home.

  It was beautiful. The wood and paper walls and doors seemed so weak, yet they stood up to the wind and rain she could hear outside. When had the storm rolled in? Was she so enamored with having found a male of their species that she didn't even watch the sky when she had the chance?

  "Something wrong, lady?" Kirai turned to look at her, his expression one of concern. "It is but a gentle rain today. Nothing to fear."

  She shook her head. "I don't fear it." How could she explain that she had spent her entire life inside a building, little more than a lab rat? She wanted to see the rain, be out in it, touch it. "I have never seen rain before. Can I…" she paused to lick her lips. "Can I feel it?"

  "You wish to go outside?" He was surprised. She could tell by the way he looked at her.

  "Oh, yes." She knew it was a strange request. Everyone wanted in out of the rain on Earth and here she was, begging to go out in it.

  "If that is your wish."

  Kirai led her to the nearest outer door. As they neared it, Topaz scented the rain. It smelled of water and little like dirt, though it was a clean smell. One she related with the cleansing of Earth. It was something she never realized she had done before. She had never been out in the rain, but she had been out just after and this was the scent. Now she knew where that lovely smell came from.

  Topaz ran down the steps and onto the cobblestone path that led to a small inner courtyard. She followed the path. The strange trees lining the edge bore beautiful flowers even though they were closed. She ran to the center of the garden with Kirai on her heels. She stopped in the center of the circular garden. Tilting her head back, she let the rain hit her face. It felt wonderful. Cool and gentle, the drops hit her face and ran down to the collar of her leathers. Like a soothing shower, the rainwater was cool just the way she liked it. Nothing helped her relax, cooled her emotions like a refreshing shower. Holding her arms out to her sides, Topaz spun in a circle, laughing with the pure joy of the freedom to stand in the rain.

  Stopping, she took the time to look around her. Raindrops fell from the sky, glistening like tiny diamonds on the wide leaves of the palm trees. More oddly shaped trees surrounded her, their leaves shining as their gnarled branches struck sideways, searching for a life-giving sun that couldn't appear through the clouds.

  "It's so beautiful," she whispered the words with awe.

  "Beautiful," Kirai agreed.

  Topaz turned to him and noticed he was looking at her, not at the garden or the rain. She felt the blood rush to her face and a strange tingling that started in the pit of her stomach and made its way out to every part of her body. What was it about him tha
t made her so aware of everything about herself?

  She looked up as he moved closer. He seemed to tower over her. The markings on his face seemed to grow larger as he leaned toward her.

  "May I kiss you again?"

  "Why do you ask?" she licked her lips, nervous all over again.

  "Because it would be rude to assume you want it." His gaze lowered to her lips, then moved back up to her eyes. "I have never forced myself on a woman and I do not intend to start now."

  "My sister June would love to hear a male say that."

  Kirai cocked a glossy black brow. "Why would this please her?"

  "Because she was accosted by one of the techs charged with caring for us once." Topaz grinned. "I guess they didn't think that a girl could defend herself quite so well as she."

  "More like they underestimated the temper and fighting abilities of a dragon swan." He chuckled. "You haven't answered me."

  She gave him a wide-eyed look. "You were serious? You really want to kiss me again? Why?"

  "Because I found it most enjoyable."

  What could she say to that? Besides, if she were to be honest, she would have to admit that she found it very enjoyable as well.

  "Okay." Topaz tilted her head back, closed her eyes and slightly puckered her lips. She waited and when, after a moment, nothing happened, she opened one eye to see what his holdup was. She didn't expect him to be standing before her, his arms crossed over his very muscular chest, grinning at her as though he was privy to some private joke. "What?"

  "Nothing," he said, taking her by the shoulders. "I just had a different kind of kiss in mind. Close your eyes and wait."

  Topaz closed her eyes again. She waited for a moment, then another. Just when she opened her mouth to say something, he pressed his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms about his neck when he deepened the kiss. She loved the feel of his body pressed against hers. The warmth of his flesh seeping through her leathers was quite erotic. No one had ever been this close to her before.

  She pressed her body more intimately against his, feeling the difference between their muscles. Topaz knew she had hard, defined muscles for a female, but Kirai's seemed almost as hard as the cement walls of her room back on earth.

  The cords of his neck stood out, his large biceps bulged beneath her hands when she skimmed them down the length of his arms. How did a man get so big? She pulled back when he straightened and opened her eyes. Drawing in large gulps of air, she placed her hand over her heart. "That was…" Wonderful, exciting… The most intense experience she had ever had and she'd killed people. That was saying something.


  Topaz turned at the sound of a strange voice and gasped. If she thought Kirai was large, she hadn't seen anything until she got a glimpse of the man before her. Instinctually, she stepped back toward Kirai, almost unconsciously seeking his protection. She scowled when she realized what she had done. She was a dragon swan. Nothing, and she meant nothing, scared her…except the man standing before her. Why hadn't they heard him approach? She looked around, hoping to find how he had entered the garden so silently.

  "What are you doing here, Galen?" Kirai wasn't happy. His eyes nearly glowed with anger and his brows drew down into a fierce scowl.

  Galen grinned. "I am just here to let you know that I heard there were unescorted swans running about the dimensions." He nodded toward Topaz. "I see I am right. Her markings are of Draven and Eiwyn. The rumor has it that there are twenty of them. When Draven finds out, he will tear every dimension apart, searching not only for his mate, but for his unprotected daughters who could assure him great alliances."

  "Alliances?" Topaz stepped forward. "What do you mean?"

  Turning to stare straight at her with a piercing emerald-green gaze, Galen said, "Your father is a very powerful man. He is king of all dragons as his name would suggest. He would marry his daughters to men who would promise their allegiance to him."

  Topaz felt her heart slam in her chest. Would she and her sisters only go from one prison to another? Growing up, they didn't know better. They thought everyone grew up in similar ways, but having been to other dimensions, having seen what it was like for children to grow up with their parents in a family, she had hoped, dreamed even, that her family would be like them. She never dreamed that once her father found out she and her sisters existed he would barter them off for an alliance!

  She raised her chin. "I will never marry a man just to solidify a political relationship. If my father thinks so, he will soon discover otherwise." She gave each of them a glare. "If either of you thinks I will marry for anything other than love, you are mistaken as well."

  What was she saying? Marry for love? She didn't even know what love was. She thought she loved her mother and sisters, but she wasn't sure if that was what she could call the feeling in her chest, in her mind. Regardless of whether she knew what that feeling was or not, she refused to marry any male to secure a political alliance for anyone.

  "We aren't asking you to mate with anyone for an alliance, lady," Galen said, his gaze meeting that of Kirai over her head. "Though I would like an introduction to the beautiful lady, Kirai. Has meeting an unmated female made your manners go missing?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

  Topaz tried not to look at how big the man was. If Kirai was large, this man was huge! He stood a good six and a half feet tall. His thighs were almost as thick as her waist and his arms… She swallowed thickly. His arms were nearly twice the size of Kirai's. If she looked to Kirai to protect her from this man, he may get hurt.

  He will not harm me, Topaz.

  "Come," Galen held out his hand, palm up, and wiggled his fingers. "Perhaps you should kiss me to see if you like me better."

  Though I may harm him. Kirai growled. "Do not test my patience, Galen. He pulled Topaz beneath his arm. "This is Topaz. Her sister is Ruby, mate to Oton."

  "I do not think that is necessary," Topaz said, her face burning. She bit her lip when she saw the murderous look in Kirai's eyes. "Perhaps we shouldn't even think on that idea anymore."

  Topaz moved from the protection of Kirai's embrace. "You know of Ruby? Do you know where she is? Can I see her?"

  "I know where she is, lady," Kirai said, glowering at Galen as though he'd just stolen his last friend. "I would be happy to take you to her."

  Galen bowed with a grin. "We would both be happy to take you to her."

  "Then we are in agreement."

  Looking up at the dark blue sky, Galen spread his arms wide. "I concur."

  After a bright flash, Galen was gone. In his place was a dark green dragon. His scales gleamed with a bright silver iridescence. His eyes were still that same, startling green glowing from the blacks of his eyes.

  She stared at him with awe. Before today, she had never seen a male dragon and now she had seen two! The air shifted behind her, then suddenly Kirai caught her from behind. His huge claw cradled her gently as his body undulated into the air. Nothing felt like this. Nothing made her feel free like flying through the air in Kirai's claws.

  Topaz laughed as they flew through the air, the wind rushing past, brushing her cheeks and mussing her hair. The ground grew farther and farther away as they continued to head up toward the clouds until a large hole opened in the sky before her. It was a dimensional gateway in the sky! How did they do that? They seemed to create the portals effortlessly while flying through the air. How extraordinary!

  Chapter Three

  Vast open fields rippled under them as Kirai undulated and Galen flew through the skies. They approached a small city with frightening speed, and as a deep blue figure came toward them, Topaz sensed she was going to meet her sister's mate.

  Galen, Kirai, what are you doing here? He was a fearsome sight, his spikes bristling with hostility.

  We are here to bring Topaz to check on her sister's new home. It will be a short visit. The amusement in Galen's voice was unmistakable, even with the mental speech removing audible cues.

sp; Kirai spoke, I think it would be good for Topaz to see that freedom can be achieved.

  I am right here you know, I can hear you.

  There was a snort from Oton and he circled them once, looking her in the eye as he passed. Yes, she is Ruby's sister all right. Come this way. Don't disturb the populace we are in the middle of first harvest.

  The men with her didn't say another word, merely followed the large blue dragon to a stone house and he shifted to a bipedal form as he dropped to the surface. Galen did the same and, as Kirai undulated in, he placed her on the stone before shifting back into the form she was more comfortable with.

  She felt short for the first time in her life, dwarfed by these males who were looking at her with interested assessment in their eyes. "What? Did my hair fall out or something?"

  Oton smiled and shook his head. "I am sorry, you just look very much like my new mate, except for the eyes."

  She smiled at him and showed her teeth. "I kick and I bite."

  He chuckled, "And yet so different."

  The other two chuckled as well as Oton led them to a door. It flew open with a thud and a woman dressed in a long loose gown with a bodice that fitted it to her torso darted toward them.

  Topaz was caught in a hug that lifted her from her feet as Ruby swung her around. They shared a warmth of minds and nothing else transferred between them.

  "I think mother has blocked our direct communication." Topaz smiled into the face that was a mirror to her own with the difference of red eyes instead of her soft gold.

  They ignored the men as they began to speak of their assignments and Ruby's new freedom.

  "Aside from still having the leash in my thigh, I do not have any qualms about leaving. Are you on a retrieval now, Topaz?"

  "I am. I have already obtained the bones with the trackers, but Kirai distracted me with the offer to show me a touch of freedom." They were walking through a hallway, the occasional three-eyed servant scuttled out of their way with surprised smiles.

  "You will return home?"

  "I will, or the pain will rip through me. You know the drill." Topaz looked at Ruby's clothing. "You look lovely."