Shades Of Green Read online

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  Leaning forward, he pressed a quick kiss to her opened lips and then sprang from the bed before she could use the knife she still had stuck in her belt.

  He eyed the thing curiously. It had grown with her. What other kind of magic did the nymph have, and was she aware she possessed it?

  Standing, he wrapped his kilt around his bare ass and turned to the others who were still sleeping. “Wake up, everyone. It’s time tae go.”

  The others stirred and sat up, some of them rubbing their eyes. Others blinked sleepily, their hair standing on end. It was endearing to see them all looking just less than perfect. Thal’s hair seem to fall into place as thought she’d had a brush and a mirror stuck in her belt with her knife. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that he’d held her through the night and she hadn’t tossed and turned much.

  The nymphs stood, pushing their makeshift cots toward the base of the trees. They then lifted their arms into the air, tilted their faces to the sun and shifted their shapes into that of full-grown human women.

  As with all females the world round, the nymphs came in all shapes and sizes. Tall, short, curvy and thin, they covered the entire spectrum in size, shape and color. Gaige watched entranced as the nymphs bloomed in front of him.

  God, I love women.

  Turning, he faced his mate with a smile. “I dinnae think I could ever grow tired of that sight.”

  “Men!” Thal stuck her chin in the air. “You’re always making promises you don’t intend to keep.” Leveling her gaze, she narrowed her eyes. “I might not have been around men much, but I’ve heard about your kind, you—you fickle male.” She waved her arm, obviously agitated. “You and those like you are the reason nymphs don’t take mates.”

  “Nymphs don’t take mates?” Gaige’s heart leapt to his throat and, he wasn’t sure, but he thought it stopped beating for a moment. “What do ye mean, nymphs don’t mate?”

  Gaige glanced around the glade for a place to sit. He felt sick. Were the fates punishing Kiran and him for something, after all? If so, what could it be? Both of them had always done their best to be good men and good members of their clan. What could they possibly have done to deserve such torture?

  Ignoring him, Thal moved to join the other who had already spread their magic throughout the glade. Hundreds of shades of green sprang up around them. The grass and leaves, ivy and even the pine needles were a brighter shade. The moss on the trees grew thick and bright before his eyes. Though he’d seen the results of their labor many times, he’d never been this close while the nymphs worked their magic. He could watch them do this every day for a hundred years and never grow tired of the beauty they spread upon the Earth.

  “Nymphs don’t stay with men. We share ourselves with males, as we see fit. We stay only until we grow heavy with child.” She lifted her chin higher, as though he had studied her and found her lacking. “And after the babe is born, we leave with the female child and leave any male offspring with the father to raise as he will.”

  “You’ll be doing nothing of the sort with any child of mine.” Temper near the boiling point, Gaige stepped forward, uncertain as to what he might do. If she thought he was going to just stand aside while she made off with their daughter, she was sadly mistaken.

  Some unreasonable part of him wanted to shake some sense into the lass, but he knew any form of roughness would only prove that men were the beasts she suspected.

  In her eyes, clearly all men were fickle and prone to violence. He saw as much in her expression. Thal had expected his anger. It appeared as though she welcomed it. His anger drove her point home—at least to her.

  Fisting his hands at his sides, Gaige gave her a slow once-over. “I hope tae prove ye wrong, lass.” He stood still, staring at her for a moment before narrowing his eyes. “But know this. No woman will take a child of mine, male or female, away from me. You’ll raise my child by my side or you’ll hae no bairn of mine at all.”

  Chapter Ten

  Thal stared at the man for a moment before sputtering, “I-I thought men only wanted their sons.” She glanced around her, hoping for support from her kin. They knew she spoke the truth. They had dealt with males. “Isn’t that what the men have always told us?”

  Her kin murmured behind her, nodding their agreement. “What makes you so different?”

  “I dinnae know, lass. I can only tell ye that I would love any bairn borne of the love between myself or Kiran and our mate. I know he feels the same.” He stared at them each in turn, a frown on his face. “When was your last bairn born? When was the last time ye heard a male voice what he wants?”

  Thal thrust her shoulders back and inhaled deeply. “I was the last born and brought into our fold. My father didn’t want me. I wasn’t the son he’d always dreamed of having.” She blinked quickly, refusing to give way to tears. She must always remember that if her father had taken her, she wouldn’t have known her mother’s love.

  Her mother stepped up beside her and took her hand. “This is Kalysis, my mother. Had the man who impregnated her taken me with him all those years ago, I wouldn’t have known her or what it was like to have her love. She has loved me all of my life. He would not have done the same. My mother would be the stranger to me instead of a man who couldn’t bring himself to care for his own daughter.”

  “Kiran and I are the kind of men who would love all of their children regardless of their sex. He stared at her, those sky-blue eyes seeing straight through her. “Ye never answered my question. Ye might hae been the last born tae your group, but when were ye born, lass?”

  “I am one-hundred and twenty years old.” She stood before him, her spine straight, awaiting his response. She continued when he merely stared at her. “I expected you to balk at my age.”

  “Why? Because you’re a nymph?” He shrugged as though her years didn’t matter to him. “Would ye think less of Kiran or me if we told ye we were over two-hundred?”

  “Over two-hundred?” Her heart leapt. She had never thought to meet a male older than her.

  “There ye go, judging a book by its cover. Didn’t your mother ever tell ye it’s rude?” Gaige rested his hip against a tree stump and crossed his arms. “Kiran and I hae been searching for our mate for the last hundred years, lass. We dinnae care how old ye are. We dinnae give a damn about your size, or your looks.” He grinned and then winked at her. “But ye couldn’t be more beautiful.”

  Thal’s cheeks burned. How could he say that in front of all her kin? “You talk a good game, shifter.” She glanced around the glade, noting that their work in this little patch of forest was done. Beyond done. The grass grew green and thick. With luck they would only have to spend a minute or two here when they returned.

  “We should get moving before the ogres decide to visit this glade. It’s not far from their cave.” She made a show of looking him up and down. It was something she’d watched the humans do when they picnicked in the woods. “You might be a big man, and an even larger bear, but even you can’t take on eight or ten full-grown ogres by yourself.”

  Nodding, Gaige dropped to his knees. “Climb aboard my back after I shift and I’ll carry ye tae the next stop a few miles downstream. He met her gaze with a smile. “We’ll continue this discussion later.”

  As quickly as he’d done the night before, Gaige shifted his shape into that of a large, white bear.

  Thal and each of her kin shrank down to their evening size and climbed atop the hairy beast that had somehow managed to wriggle its way into her life. Leaning forward, she whispered in his ear. “I’ve heard that talk is cheap, Mr. Bear.”

  Gaige, in his bear form, could do little more than shiver before tossing his head with a growl.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nine hours after reaching the castle, Kiran sat astride a horse in the drive in front of the castle, surrounded by his kin. Eight others would accompany him to join Gaige and the others while they brought spring to the countryside.

  Each of his cousins carried at least one passenger. Kiran, voted least likely to lose his way by the two leprechauns on his back, was leading the way back to the others whether he wanted to or not.

  “Are ya ready ta go, everyone?” Larin fisted his hands in the hair at the base of his pony’s neck. Ian sat astride his own pony, his hands clutching the pommel for dear life. “We need ta find the others and bring spring ta the highlands before it’s too late.”

  Kiran nudged his horse in the sides and the animal took off. Years of training had taught the beasts to trust the bears that rode them. Though they looked like men, the horses could still smell the predators inside them. A strange horse would scream and run. Not these. He doubted they would even run when faced with the ogres, the animals were so well-trained.

  We’re on our way back tae ye, now. Where the hell are ye so we can cover more area at once, he asked Gaige through their triad link.

  We’re near the loch on the other side of the mountain. I figured it best tae start over here. It should take a day or so for the ogres tae think tae investigate here.

  Kiran glanced back at the horse trailing him, complete with saddle, but no rider. I should be there in a few hours. We’re on the horses. I brought Posey.

  Ye would hae tae try tae embarrass me with my horse in front of our new mate, wouldn’t ye?

  Kiran could almost hear his cousin sigh. You’re the one who chose a mare, when most men would hae chosen a stallion or a gelding.

  Perhaps, cousin, but I think this might be one time when someone finding out I chose a mare turns out to be a good thing. Our mate can shift her size, cousin. In the daylight, she’s the size of a human woman. She could hae knocked me over with a mere kiss tae the forehead when she shifted her shape last night and claimed my bed.

  Did ye take her, then? He hoped his cousin had, or at least built some trust over the course of the night.

  She was sleeping by the time I finished cooling off in the river. Though, I did share the bed with her. She wasn’t tae happy about it in the morning. Did ye know her people dinnae live with their mates? They hae their bairns and give the lads tae the fathers and keep the wee lassies for themselves. We cannae let her do that tae us. I plan tae raise every one of our bairns with security and the love of their parents—all of their parents.

  As do I, cousin.

  Kiran cut off their communication. He needed to think while he travelled and he couldn’t do that if he continued chatting with Gaige. What could the two of them do to prove to Thal that they were her mates, and once bonded, they could never allow her to leave them? Her departure could very well kill them. At the very least, it would make them wish they were dead and, for their kind, that was not a safe state of mind for anyone.

  After four hours of hard riding between four different stops to allow the nymphs to do their work, they reached the glade where Gaige had stopped with his group of nymphs.

  Liam looked as though someone had stepped on his tail. The little blond man sat on a rock, his chin resting in his cupped hands as he glowered at the rest of them. It might have had something to do with the fact that he now wore brown clothes fashioned from the leaves and nettles of the forest. Kiran pressed his lips together when the wee man brought his head up and glared at Ian and Larin.

  “Don’t ya say a word.” He snorted at the others appearance. “No doubt you two had somewhere ta wash your clothes last night. He pointed at the wet clothing dangling from a nearby tree. “I didn’t have such a luxury.” He wrinkled his nose, lowering the pitch of his voice. “Ya can’t wear those clothes another day, little man. Ye stink and you’re offending the women,” he said in a bad Scottish accent.

  He pointed at Gaige. “He’s still wearing the same clothes.”

  “Aye,” Kiran agreed. “But the kilt doesn’t hold the smell of sweat when he dives in tae the water several times a day tae cool off.” He raised a brow. “Do ye swim in your clothes several times a day?”

  Kiran crossed his arms as though awaiting an answer when he already knew what the little man’s reply would be. “I thought not.” Turning away, he made his way to Gaige’s side.

  “No sign of the ogres?”

  “I wouldn’t say that. They’ve been getting closer and closer to us all day. I dinnae think they went back tae their cave last night. I think they’ve taken tae sleeping on the trail. Either that, or they hae found other caves tae use while they’re out here. Either way, they’ll catch up to us soon and we should be prepared.”

  They glanced around the glade and Kiran whistled. I knew I was getting closer tae ye when the forest showed all the different shades of green. Even glades where ye didn’t stop are beginning tae grow.”

  “Aye.” Gaige nodded. “I think it has something tae do with the fact that the concentrated magic of all of the ladies together reaches farther than any one nymph can on her own. They probably should hae done this long ago. It would hae made their work easier and the likelihood of getting captured by ogres less. They could afford tae hae one on watch while the others worked and run when they saw the ugly creatures coming.”

  “So what are we going tae do about the ogres?”

  “I dinnae know. I’d like tae spend another day or two leading the weak-minded beasts around the forest before we show them they can no longer molest the nymphs without repercussions.”

  “That sounds like a plan.” Kiran glanced toward their mate and smiled. “She was beautiful as a wee lass, though I must say that she’s even more beautiful knowing that we hae a chance tae make a life with her instead of going tae bed every night with a hard-on from hell because we thought about her.”

  “Aye.” Gaige nodded. “She’s a bonny lass, all right.” He glanced around the glade. “It’s time tae go. I want tae put some distance between the ogres and us tonight. With the horses, we can do that. I wasn’t able tae travel far and fast enough in my bear form when I had to cool off every fifteen minutes or so. I’d also like them tae awaken one more glade before we sleep. Green grass and velvety green moss makes a much better bed than that of dried pine needles, and I have plans for tonight.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Thal sat on the rock eating the berries that Thul had coaxed to grow and ripen early. They’d all grown tired of eating the pine nuts they’d found while traveling. One of her other cousins had grown a bed of thick, green chard and they’d feasted, though the men had turned their noses up at it. They ate meat. Thal shuddered at the thought. She hoped Gaige and Kiran didn’t expect her to take up that nasty habit once they mated.

  She paused with her hand halfway to her mouth. When had she started thinking about mating with the two men? With a sigh, she popped the last berry into her mouth and glanced their way. As always, the two worked together. Glancing around the glade, she realized all of the bear shifters worked in pairs. Were they all pairs of males who would claim a woman together?

  Sliding down onto her feet, she wiped her hands on the back of her pants. Securing her knife into her belt, she strode over to the two men who claimed they would never leave her and they would never seek another. She snorted at the thought. Who ever heard of a man who could be faithful to a woman forever? She had never heard of such a thing, though her exposure to men had been rather limited.

  “Hae ye come tae join us for dessert?” Gaige grinned at her as she approached.

  “I’ve already had my dessert, thank you.” She didn’t want to eat any of their meat-laden dishes. She covered her stomach with the palm of her hand. Just the thought made her ill.

  “A handful of berries isn’t dessert, Thal.” Kiran held up a fork and waved it in front of her nose. “Doesn’t that smell good? Our Aunt Maggy makes the most delicious apple pie.”

  “I’ve already told you. I don’t eat meat.”

  The two of them glanced at each other and laughed.

  “Apples aren’t meat, love.” Kiran held the fork in front of her face. “This pie is mainly made of apples, cin
namon, sugar and wheat. There is no dead animal in it. I promise.”

  Thal inhaled with the intention of sighing. Her eyes went wide at the scent of the concoction at the end of his fork. “I’ve never pie before.”

  “We didn’t think ye had, lass.” Gaige moved behind her, standing so close she felt his heat against her back. “Why don’t ye try it.” He leaned down, breathing the words in her ear.

  Trembling, Thal licked her lips. “I suppose I could try one bite.” What was she doing? She shouldn’t eat their strange food. What if she grew to like it and they broke their promise and left? What was it about these two that sent her common sense spiraling away from her?

  The fork grew closer and Thal’s mouth opened almost on its own. The two men groaned when her lips closed around the fork and Kiran slid the utensil back out and set it on the small metal plate he used.

  Flavor burst over her tongue and her eyes went wide. Thal had never tasted anything like it in her life. Her people never mixed food together like that. They ate apples and they chewed cinnamon when their stomachs were upset, but they had never put the two together.

  She glanced up at the two men who stared at her mouth with such intensity, something stirred deep inside her and she grew damp between her legs.

  What was it these two men made her feel? Why did she want them to stay with her, hold her and touch her? Though she was no virgin, Thal had never felt these things with a man. She’d let them use her as she’d used them in an attempt to have a child. Though sex had always been unpleasant and painful, she knew it was necessary for the nymphs to carry on. Without offspring, they would eventually die off, and the world with them.

  “Any daughter of mine must be a nymph.” Thal had no idea what caused her to blurt those words out.

  “How old will she be when she needs tae go out in the spring and help?” Kiran asked as he set his plate aside.