Promise of Paradise Read online

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  She shivered as she thought about it. Her tears changing from frightened tears to those of remembrance as she recalled what had happened to the poor old psychic who had wanted nothing more than to go home.

  “Sh…dear. Don’t cry for me.”

  Jerking her head up, Nadya looked straight into the ethereal eyes of Karma, herself. The old woman sat before her, her body glowing with some unearthly light, a small smile on her precious, wrinkled face.

  “Never cry for me. I’m happy. I’m just where I want to be.” She leaned forward as though imparting a secret. “You see, no one calls me a freak in this place.” Her smile faded. “Things are better for me here, even though I forgot to pass on my gift.” She smiled at Nadya’s frown. “What do you mean, you might ask. Well—” she paused and sat with her back against the far wall. “I was supposed to pass my gift on to a child, but I never had a child and it died with me. It can’t die with me. Someone must always have the gift. So—” Pausing again, she rubbed her hands together. “I have chosen to give it to you.”

  “You—you can’t give it to me. You were psychic. You knew everything.”

  “I hardly knew everything, child,” Karma said with a laugh. “However, I did know things that helped. Just as you will.” Reaching over, Karma touched the center of her forehead. “There you go. All done now.” She waved her hand and the awful smell went away, replaced with the lovely scent of Karma’s cologne. “When your men come for you, give the dark one a kiss for me.” She sighed. “I always did love my men tall, dark, and handsome. Bye, bye, dear.” Karma faded to nothing, leaving behind the lovely smell of her perfume in place of the rot that had once made her ill.

  Just moments after Karma disappeared, a hole seemed to open the side of the box. Through it, she saw a large cat trekking through the woods. Back and forth, forward and back. It searched and searched for something. It searched for her.

  Tears streamed down her face when she realized they searched for her. Talk to them, Nadya. She heard Karma’s voice one last time. Could it be that simple? Could she reach them telepathically now?

  Closing her eyes, she reached out to them. I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’m in a refrigeration unit on the back of a black pickup. It’s the unit we use to transport our dead to the authorities.

  Nadya didn’t hear an answer, but she felt their anger, their disgust that someone would do such a thing to her. At least she thought she could feel it. Hell, it could all be her imagination.

  I don’t know where I’m at, but I’ll try to call you to me. Exhausted, she broke off her communication. She needed to save her strength for calling her mates to her.

  She smiled at the feeling that it gave her. She was their mate and she found that she liked the idea.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Luc made his way down the dirt road. The pads of his feet ached from running along the pavement and over the rough stones of the gravel roads. He must have traveled fifteen or twenty miles when he felt the urge to turn down the dirt tract. After twenty miles, there wasn’t much of a scent to follow. He’d almost turned around when some invisible thing pulled him down the road. His nose told him to turn around, but his gut told him to go on.

  After another two miles, he saw it. Sitting in front of a dilapidated cabin, he saw a black pickup truck with a strange-looking box on the back.

  His vision blurred, a red haze coating his vision when he realized that’s where they kept his mate. I’ve found her, Gabe. He sighed when he realized that he was likely to do what he’d expected of his best friend. Get her fast, old friend. If you don’t get here by the time I find a way to release our mate, I’ll kill these bastards myself and possibly bring trouble to Paradise.

  Where did you find her?

  I’m at old man Herrmann’s cabin. This had to be it. He hadn’t been here since before they left, but the damned place really didn’t look much different than it had then. The only thing missing was Herrmann’s dilapidated old truck. Get here as fast as you can. I’m going to try to pick the lock and get our mate out of her cage.

  Shifting back to his human form, he studied the lock on the box with a frown. It had been years since he picked a lock. “Hell, darlin’,” he said as he rested his head against the side of the box. “I hope you’re okay in there. This might take a while.”

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  Luc spun around at the sound of the alpha’s voice. “Thank the gods!” He looked at the men Gabe brought with him. “Do any of you know how to pick a lock?” He gestured to the padlock. Because this one’s kicking my ass.”

  One of the men stepped forward. It was a new shifter. One of the sheriff’s old Army buddies. “Give me a shot at it.”

  “Yeah. Let him at it,” another man called from the back of the group. “Mel can pick just about any lock.”

  Mel stepped forward and pulled a small pack of tools from his pocket. “I thought I might need these.” He shrugged. “Though I thought I’d be picking a lock on a door to a building, not on a truck. It doesn’t matter. A lock is a lock.”

  Hell, if Luc hadn’t been so anxious to hold his mate in his arms, he might have been jealous at how quickly Mel had defeated the lock. Instead, once the door was unlocked, he opened it to see their mate huddled in a corner, her legs drawn up to her chest, her head resting on her knees.

  Seeing his mate looking so dejected made him want to snarl, but he didn’t want to scare her. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and never let her go.

  “Go get those bastards before Gabe and I go after them. If we catch them, there won’t be anything left to kick out of town.”

  The other men headed for the house before he changed his mind. While he knew that killing them would only bring trouble, he wanted nothing more than to tear their throats out. Even as angry as he was, he knew that the best thing for all of them was to let others handle them.

  He’d just begun to crawl into the back of the truck when Perry burst out of the cabin waving a gun. Luc almost laughed. It was just like a human to think that guns would harm them. Hell, he wouldn’t be surprised to find that the mag had silver bullets.

  “Get away from me, you freaks. I know what you are. You-you’re werewolves!” He waved the gun. “I have silver bullets! If you want to die, just keep coming.”

  “He thinks he’s got an edge with his silver bullets. How long do you think it will be before he shoots someone until it tickles?”

  Gabe’s comment was for Perry more than it was him. Silver wouldn’t kill them, but it also wouldn’t tickle. It might not kill them, but it would hurt like hell.

  “Drop the gun, Mr. Godfrey.”

  “Ha! Now it’s Mr. Godfrey. Yesterday it was filthy carnie and before that, it was something like untrustworthy, gypsy heathen.” Perry waved the gun around, his stance uneven.

  Was he drunk?

  “Get back!” He fired the gun, striking Gabe in the arm. “She was mine before you two stepped in. You brainwashed her against me.”

  “We didn’t have to brainwash her, Perry,” Luc said as he approached the man, his hands out. “She never liked you. Surely you knew that.”

  “No. She liked me. She was just afraid I would reject her.”

  The man was mad. That much was obvious.

  Luc glanced at Adam. “Alpha, do you think we can get this poor bastard the help he needs?”

  “I don’t know.” Adam shrugged. “We might be able to get him into the hospital in Mason…”

  “No one’s taking me to a hospital. I’m not crazy!” Perry waved the gun around, squeezing the trigger six more times.

  “Three left in the mag,” he whispered to Gabe.

  Gabe nodded. “But who’s willing to put up with the pain of getting shot?”

  Shaking his head, Luc shifted on the fly and rushed the man, drawing Perry’s fire until the gun click, click, clicked, the magazine empty.

  “What are y
ou, what are you?” Perry squealed beneath him, his throat between Luc’s large teeth.

  Adam stepped forward. “Never mind what we are, Perry. Only worry about what we’ll do to you if you ever return to Paradise.” He leaned closer, his expression absolute. “We will kill you.”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Nadya sat on the bed between her men. They each kissed every scrape, every bruise on her skin. It had been three days since her abduction, and every day, her men did their best to let her know that she was the most important person in their lives.

  At some point during their ministrations, their actions stopped being therapeutic and became erotic. Every touch of their warm lips on her skin made her want them more. One at a time, both of them together, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was feeling her mates inside her taking her to places only they could.

  Slowly thrusting her fingers through Luc’s silky blond hair, she brought his head up, pressing her mouth against his. She needed them. Even if she couldn’t stay with them forever, she had them for the night and that was all that mattered.

  He brought his hands up, his fingers slowly cupping her breast, caressing her hard nipple beneath her blouse and bra. She arched her back, pressing against his hand. They might not think so, but she was ready for this. Hell, she might have been born ready.

  “We don’t want to rush you.” Gabe pressed a kiss against her cheek, kissing a trail to her neck and ear before sucking her ear lobe into his mouth.

  “Rush me. I like it.” She moaned when they both bent down to pull a nipple into the heat of their mouths. It was so erotic to know they wanted her so much that they would suckle her breasts through her clothing.

  “We want to be sure you’re ready.” Luc tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. His voice was low, rough. Deeper than she’d ever heard it before. Did she affect him so strongly that he had to fight his animal for dominance?

  Nadya arched her back again, watching as the flames in his eyes flared to life. She cupped her breasts, squeezing her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Closing her eyes, she let her breath out in a little hiss.

  The two men cleared their throats, swallowing loudly. Opening her eyes, she looked at them both, noting the large bulges behind their zippers. Just their expressions made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

  It didn’t matter that she had a few extra pounds. It didn’t matter that she looked old enough to be their mother. All that mattered to them was the fact that she was their mate. It was a powerful aphrodisiac.

  With a smile, she drew her top up over her head, reached back and undid her bra, letting it fall forward and onto the floor, forgotten.

  Leaning in, both of her men took a hard nipple into their mouths, each flicking the hard tip with their tongues.

  Luc stared at her breasts, making her tingle all over. “I love your breasts with their beautiful petal pink tips.”

  She glanced at Gabe, wondering what he had on his mind. He hadn’t said a word since she took off her top.

  His expression was hot, intense. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought him just a little bit afraid. She shook her head. How could he be? He was the original macho man. From what she could see, there was no room for fear.

  Ever so slowly, they both lowered their heads to her breasts. Each cupped a mound gently in their hands, each of them took a hard nipple in his mouth and suckled gently, at first. Gently, they pushed her back on the bed, their suckling growing stronger and stronger by the moment until her head thrashed on the thick duvet.

  Heat pooled low in her womb, her panties growing wetter by the moment. Fire shot through her blood. Desperate, erotic desire rushed through her as they both sucked a nipple, their hands moving closer and closer to her awaiting sex.

  Gabe’s gaze held her captive as his hand drew little swirls over her stomach, moving lower and lower until his fingers slid below the waistband of her panties to the little strip of hair left on her mound.

  Nadya froze, holding her breath. Slowly, his hand moved still lower until his fingers brushed the smooth skin of her labia.

  “This is what I have waited for all my life.” He breathed the words against her lips as his fingers slid through her slick folds.

  When Gabe knelt before her and rested her thighs on his shoulders, she held her breath with anticipation. This time she wouldn’t tell them she didn’t think she was ready. This time, she knew she was ready for just about anything.

  The moment his tongue touched her clit, she shook, her body quivering with delight. She’d never felt anything as exquisite as her mates’ mouths on her body. Not once, before coming to Paradise, had she ever felt such intense satisfaction from a man’s caress.

  Luc continued to kiss her lips, her neck, her ears. All the while, he thrummed her hard nipples with his thumbs, alternately pinching and twisting them as he saw fit.

  Heat slowly built within her until she couldn’t bear to wait another moment to come. She felt her climax building, felt the need as it burned its way up her legs to her lower belly. Finally, she screamed as wave after wave of pleasure overtook her. With her men doing everything in their power to see to her pleasure, she couldn’t fail to fall over the edge of her first orgasm of what she already knew would be many.

  “Do you feel better now?” Luc asked with a grin.

  “Not hardly,” she replied with a snort. “If anything, I need you two more. Now!”

  Standing, the men were dressed one moment, the next they were completely naked.

  “Alright,” she said lifting herself up on her elbows. “I want to know how you do that.”

  “It’s a part of our magic. If our clothes didn’t disappear when we shift, we could get caught up in them. Depending on where we are and what we’re doing, it could cause injury.” Gabe lifted a brow. “Do you want to know more, or are we going to get busy here?”

  Nadya grinned and winked. “Oh, we’re definitely getting busy. You two aren’t getting off that easy.” She winked again. “Then again, with what I have in mind, you might get off easy, after all. Who knows?”

  She watched as they moved toward her, their muscles rippling slowly as they seemed to stalk her while she lay waiting on the bed.

  Luc moved to lie beside her. Turning, he pulled her into his arms for a heated kiss. Rolling onto his back, he pulled Nadya with him until she lay sprawled on top of him, her breasts pressed tightly to his chest.

  His hands slid easily over her body, learning each dip and curve. She reveled in each caress, each slow swipe of his hand over her quivering flesh.

  With a low growl, he cupped her cheeks, bringing her face to his for a heated kiss, so intense, she was surprised it didn’t burn the lodge down. Grasping her thighs, he slowly brought her up his body until her slick entrance rested against the head of his cock.

  Inch, by slow inch, he lowered her onto his hard cock. Holding her by the hips, he measured his thrusts, entering her so gradually, she thought she would go mad.

  “What happens next?” She bit her lip and met Luc’s gaze.

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean.” Luc’s voice was strained as he continued to thrust into her.

  His neck muscles bulged and she wondered if it was because he was holding her or because of the pleasure. Nadya wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

  “How do we complete the mating bond?” She panted over him. She was pretty sure it involved making love to them both at the same time, but she wasn’t sure.

  “You have to take us both at the same time.” He groaned. “Gods, you’re so tight.”

  “At the same time?” Somehow, she had known he was going to say that.

  “Yes.” He nodded. “Just let us know when you’re ready.”

  “Okay.” She nodded back. “I’m ready.”

  “Are you sure?” they both asked at the same time.

  “Yes. I’m sure. How could I not be willing to mate two men who would ri
sk getting shot for me.” She frowned. “Not that I ever want you to do that again.”

  “We’ll always put your life before our own, love. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

  “Are you frightened?” Gabe asked from behind her.

  She wasn’t certain, but she suspected he was back there greasing his cock with a bottle of lube. Nadya sighed. It was just as well if he did. She was going to need it. She had no intention of backing down from this.

  “Are you ready?” Luc leaned up to press a quick kiss to her lips.

  “Yes.” She moaned. “I’m ready. I have to be ready. I can’t imagine life without you. Like you said, love would follow. Well, love has already followed your lead right into my heart. As impossible as it seems, I already love you both.” She shook her head. “How does this stuff happen?’

  “You say yes. That’s how it happens,” Gabe whispered in her ear. “Now say yes.”


  Nadya felt warm lube pour over her back hole. Using his fingers, Gabe worked the lube into her. He worked up a rhythm with Luc. Pushing in when Luc withdrew and vice versa.

  “I feel so full.” She groaned, her body a quivering mass of sensation. “I need to come. Please make me come.” She wasn’t above begging. In fact, she’d do it daily if it gave her a reward like this.

  “Hold still, love.” Gabe groaned as he pushed the head of his cock against her rear. Pushing forward, he moved slowly in to her until the large head moved past the tight ring of her anus. Once past that barrier, he slowly kept pushing, rocking back and forth as he worked his cock into her ass until his hips rested against the cheeks of her rear.

  Nadya thought she’d been prepared for this, but nothing could compare. Her body became one large, quivering mass no more than the sum of her nether parts as her men continued to fuck into her repeatedly. Every nerve ending in her body seemed to center in that one location as they worked out a rhythm that took her closer to another climax.